1st Graders are creating Warm/Cool color paintings inspired by the saying:
"April Showers Bring May Flowers!"
First Graders are working on their first Arongen Art Projects!!!! We are learning about Landscapes, Warm Colors, and Types of Line, as well as working on our fine motor skills. Check out some of these pictures from Ms. Swayne's class.
A finished sample of what their beautiful works will look like!
Checkout Mrs. Symonds Class and their Giraffes!
Mrs. Pierre and Mrs. Bieniek's classes are taking home their Spring Birds!
First Grade is Ready for Spring!!!!! We practiced drawing spring flowers, and our color families!
Check out these pictures from Mrs. Tomassi's First Grade Class!
First Graders are making their clay Spring Birds! They will be coming home this week or next. Pictures to come!
Here are some example of our beautiful first grade spring birds. This is the first project that students make that uses two clay building techniques. The students make the birds body out of a pinch pot and attach the beak using the "score and slip" method. They finish off the project by painting their bird with bright "spring" colors, and choose eyes, feathers, and legs which I then glue in place. Hope you enjoy the sculptures!
First Graders working on their very first Clay Project, coil hearts!
Aren't they Beautiful!
Mrs. Tomassi's Class with their Finished Dream Catchers!!!!
We are working away on our dream catchers, and they are turning out really well!!!!! Here are some photos from Ms. Swayne's class!
A BIG, BIG THANKS to Miss Stephanie for coming in and helping!!!!!
Our Next Project will be a Native American inspired Dream Catcher! We will be practicing our fine motor skills as we weave our yarn and string our beads!
The Owls are done and coming Home!!!!
Some examples of the beautiful owls our Arongen First Graders are making. I just LOVE their Details and Lines of Texture! What super young artists we have !!!!
1st Grade is starting off the year learning about Line and Primary Colors. We will drawing a bird with various lines as a class and using line and the Three Primary Colors to color our birds with texture!
1st Graders have been working on our 1st Self -Portraits!
We are drawing ourselves catching snowflakes in our mouths!
Here are a couple in progress photos!
Aren't they Beautiful!
We are working away on our dream catchers, and they are turning out really well!!!!! Here are some photos from Ms. Swayne's class!
A BIG, BIG THANKS to Miss Stephanie for coming in and helping!!!!!
Our Next Project will be a Native American inspired Dream Catcher! We will be practicing our fine motor skills as we weave our yarn and string our beads!
The Owls are done and coming Home!!!!
We learned about Warm Colors and Neutral Colors!
Students From Mrs. Tomassi's Class!
Some examples of the beautiful owls our Arongen First Graders are making. I just LOVE their Details and Lines of Texture! What super young artists we have !!!!
With our first project finishing up the First Graders are now working on an Autumn Owl Collage. In our last project we learned about the Primary Colors and the Colors we get by mixing them together (the Secondary Colors), and in this project we will be exploring the Warm Color Family (RED, ORANGE, and YELLOW) as well at Texture!
1st Grade is starting off the year learning about Line and Primary Colors. We will drawing a bird with various lines as a class and using line and the Three Primary Colors to color our birds with texture!
Color Mixing/Texture/Shape and Overlapping
1st Grades are creating Joan Miro inspired figures. Using Shape and Line these students are composing an abstract figure inspired by the artist. These classes also began their project with and introductory PowerPoint about the artist and his work. We discussed how his work was abstract and what that means, as well as the prominent shapes and colors used in his works. These projects are whimsical and fun, I look forward to sharing the pictures with you as we complete our projects.